Studio Classes

  • Purpose

    Studio classes are the foundation of Tamarack’s programming, designed to provide each player with informal opportunities to perform, watch other students learn, and develop a strong sense of community. Being part of a small, friendly group provides perspective for expectations and progress, helps diffuse performance anxiety, and bolsters connection with your instrument.

  • Course content

    Each 90 minute session will consist of 2-3 workshop style lessons, wherein a player performs a piece (or section of a piece) they will be focusing on for the duration of the course. The instructor will give constructive, encouraging, forthright guidance, while the other students take notes and apply the ideas to their own practice. Over the course of the 3 months, each student will have 3-4 opportunities to perform in front of their cohort in a welcoming, earnest, collegial setting.

  • How to apply

    Cohorts are organized by level, and limited to groups of 6 per session. If demand is robust, additional cohorts will be formed. If you are unsure of your level, send a 30 second clip of your playing to, and we will happily place you in the appropriate course.

    Note: beginners must have had 3 months of consistent private lessons at some point to join this course.